
Nora Howell (she/her/hers)

Weight - Wait, 2021

Cotton, Cord, Porcelain

70" x 10" x 10"

One of the things I associate with nursing is weight. The physical heaviness of holding a baby for hours, the weight of decisions of how/when you should feed your baby. And waiting. The many hours being still restricted in movement caring for, loving your baby. You love it. You also wish you could reach your phone/water/dinner. This piece is about the weight/wait. 

After 1509 days and counting of breastfeeding, I made some art about this significant part of my life. It’s a substantial amount of time, physical and emotional commitment.  I am proud to make this far. I also wish it was over. My parenting style has always been to go with the flow, follow their lead (we are sparse on schedules over here) so here I am, waiting it out. 

My artwork about motherhood is based on my personal experience, acknowledging it in no way represents the many variety of experiences and choices of the mothers I know, who follow me here, and who have come before us.


Sarah Sudhoff


Jessica Valderrama